Cuegen 1.0 ---------- by Grekim Jennings Cuegen is a cue sheet generator for use with a CD burning program. Cuegen reads a track list from a text file and has the ability to add pregaps. Instructions: ------------- Enter your .wav file names in a track called tlist.txt. Or, use a different list filename by entering it as the first command line argument. Optionally, add the name for the output .cue file as the second command line argument. If not using the terminal then the .exe should be in the same folder as the file list. If using the terminal you can specify paths to the program and to the track list in the command line itself. To split a file into separate tracks, start a line with S followed by the start time. To add a pregap, start a line with P followed by the length. Examples: --------- Song1.wav P 00:02:00 Song2.wav P 00:02:00 The above adds pregaps of 2 seconds Source_file_A.wav Source_file_B.wav S 06:05:00 The above would add 3 CD tracks Tracks 2 and 3 are created from Source_file_B.wav. Track 2 is the start of Source_file_B or 0 min, 0 sec, and 0 frames Track 3 is taken from a split of Source_file_B at 6 min, 5 sec, and 0 frames